Stella Jones

Stella Jones Productions

Coaching & Workshops for Adults

What are Coaching Workshops & Seminars?

Coaching Workshops & Seminars are designed for people who love to sing, dance and act and want to develop musically. Apart from the individual coaching, the offered seminars and workshops are held in small groups. The participants learn how to implement helpful tools, they get insight into frequently used tricks in the entertainment industry and learn how to utilisise and transform simple exercises into the working area.

Who can participate?

Stella Jones Workshops are for beginners up to professional singers, dancers and actors/actresses who are interested in the performing arts and would like to upgrade their skills. Each lesson is created in such way that the participants can easily follow and after each lesson there is a question sheet that can be used to review the learned topics.  The Workshops & Seminars are about supporting the natural talents and abilities and help to expand the knowledge that everyone from the performing arts need to know to work in show business.


C O A C H I N G  O F F E R S


For those who are interested in casting shows, competitions, auditions, TV shows, entrance examinations for music colleges, conservatories, musicals, presentations, lectures, speeches, etc. As well as the effective implementation of specialized knowledge from music history, theory, harmonies, songwriting, rhythm, metrum & timing, broadcasting, optimization of performance and development of internal resources.


The A & O of professional singers and performers consists of a clear language, quiet breathing, balanced tone, a clear accent plus a positive charisma. Targeted training of the hearing and effective speech training allows the intelligible structuring of the language, expressive emphasis on a song or an impressive design of a role or speech.


Here the participants learn their impact on other people. You will learn why certain voices and pitches are perceived as pleasant, learn techniques, nonverbal signals & body language messages. A lively seminar with many exercises, mirror work and amusing, practical tips and tricks.


S T A G I N G  &  S T U D I O  T O O LS 


This popular workshop is about learning a new songs, how to arrange and interpret it.  Frequently asked questions about many musical themes are answered and put into perspective of cultural-historical connections. Breathing techniques (space & time), physical exercises (yoga, chakra and the 4 elements), relaxation techniques and methods for training attention are the main focuses here.


Stella Jones is owner of a small recording studio and has been working for many years as a producer of music albums, audio books and children’s musicals. In this seminar, singers explore the roots of songwriting and learn how to edit a song as well as producing different versions of the same song. The participants get professional insight into the work of a producer, as well as gaining the proper tools for modification and amplifying emotions. Stella Jones also shows speech techniques and tips for the correct handling of microphones in the studio.


In this seminar you learn at what point a performance starts, when to focuss on the moment when the limelight goes on and how to maintain a high emotional quality on stage even if something should go wrong. Many questions revolve around the various modes of a performance and although each person has different ideas there are application tools that can be used on stage The focus is set on the essential aspects of stage performances and how to sharpen your intuition. A drawn from life workshop with implementation of mirror work and amusing elements from theater plays.


Jazz and popular music is one of the most exciting musical fields. Popular songs are edited and in addition to the illumination of cultural-historical contexts frequently asked questions on the topics of voice formation, breathing, timing, riffing, scat, rhythms and soul, hearing development, harmonics, songwriting, improvisation, body movement, moving on stage, staging, and many more are answered. In addition, helpful mental methods are presented to achieve security in regard of stage performance. This seminar is recommended for all those who like to sing and develop their skills in jazz & popular music, singing, breathing and stage performance.


Gospel is the announcement of the good news, whose beginnings lie in the jazz and blues of African-American Christian music of the 18th century. Gospel connects people and their destinies, which are connected by different musical styles. The singers learn why gospel music is enthusiastic and soul fulfilling, regardless of its origin or social status.


The most modern form of gospel music is a conglomerate of so-called secular music and the gospel of traditional Christianity. Stella Jones demonstrates the influences and vocal styles at many popular gospel songs, as well as the further development of performances on stage. An amazing workshop for beginners as well as professional singers.


Every summer Stella Jones works as a lecturer at international workshops and seminars. Further details and information can be found in the News Section.


T H E  E A S Y  S I N G I N G  M E T H O D

Is the one from the USA and one of the most popular singing methods, which allows both beginners and professionals to achieve the best possible output with the least use of the body. It does not matter whether the singers come from the classical or popular music genre, – techniques from the mental training are used, and metaphors, stored as images and colors, like the REIKI certain physical areas activate and the vocal , Or actorial performance. Stella Jones has been working with this method for more than 25 years, who has met her in Hollywood during a concert tour and is distributing her to her Vocal & Stage Students.

Stella Jones work is characterized by clear vision, love of work, inspiration, motivation, teamwork, humor, creativity, appreciation, respect, experience and professional competence. She understands how and where to pick up the participants exactly where they need it the most. Confidence and authentically practiced knowledge motivates and new areas of interest are creating enthusiasm. In her many years of work with artists from various disciplines, Stella Jones developed the Easy Singing Method from the USA, so that this technique can be applied to all areas of the performing arts.

Stella Jones is a certified Trainer (System Cert), certified Vocal & Stage Coach, Instructor of Jazz, Pop & Urban Gospel History,  Personal & Business Coach (Systemic Coaching), certified Sound Healer & Sound Energetics Teacher, Trainer of Communications, Trainer of Presentation Techniques and Performing Arts.



+ Easy Singing is a simple, effective singing method from the USA and combines linguistics, rhythms, vocal coaching with a focus on all areas of showbusiness.

+ The focus lies on developing the presence, the originality, the given charisma to reach the best possible performance in a very short amount of time.

+ Easy Singing brings joy and happiness, it is fun to implement and is super easy to applicate.

+ The easy singing method bring many desirable side effects like improvement of the hearing, building the voice capacity in depths and highs, how to solve effectively stressful situations, how to move smoothly through pressure and showing how the breath influences the body.

+ This easy method provides mental support for people who suffer from insecurity, stage anxiety, stage fright and lack of expressive power.

+ It is fun and brings joy and happiness, raises the self confidence, eliminates the lack of body-mind integrity and refines the perceptual channels.



S Y S T E M I C  C O A C H I N G  &  S E M I N A R S


Enter the musical world with a specific question from the everyday life and combine both areas with the visual arts. The spontaneity of free play and expressing your own strength in a colorful musical journey leads back to the own roots and brings relaxation, clarity and security.


This special form of creative coaching is particularly  for people who like to look behind the painted veil of show business. The discovery of how the mind functions lead to the findings of creative possibilities. The focus is set onto positive solutions to find more clarity.  Gain understanding by stepping up in your own life and magnify your inner and outer traits of personality.


Whether in sports, in show business, in the work area or in private affairs, it is essential to keep an overview and go with the flow. Mental coaching is elementary where we are exposed to stressful situations. Here you find special tools to support you to enable professional and personal success. The focus is drawn to your own attention, how you use internal resources and how to handle difficult situations in an effective way. The result is a clear and calm mind and a harmonious balance of your mind, body and spirit.


Is for people who are looking for support in challenging times of change, wanting to highlight a specific life topic or who have to make an important decision. The view point is drawn to the value of appreciation, visualization and realization of suitable solutions. You learn how to accept situations that can not be changed, you learn how to appreciate your own personality and how to unfold and express in a save way.  The acceptance of the inner potential leads to motivation and enthusiasm.

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© 2025 Stella Jones

Thema von Anders Norén